Mesquite Fired Pork Loin

Mesquite Fired Pork Loin

Fast and Easy Pork Loin, save time and retain moisture content by cooking hot and fast over mesquite coals. Grilled Pork Loin is a fantastic way to impress youre guests and feed a large group of people on the cheap.
Prep Time 30 mins
Cook Time 1 hr 15 mins
Total Time 1 hr 45 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 10
Calories 400 kcal


  • 1 Charcoal Grill
  • 1 Box Pit Optional


  • 1 Packer Whole Pork Loin Split into two halves to keep centered over direct heat
  • 1 tbsp Garlic Powder approx
  • 1 tbsp Coarse Black Pepper approx
  • 1 tbsp Himalayan Pink Salt approx


  • Light charcoal In chimney. (We will come back to this in a moment)
  • Remove pork loin from packing
  • Slice pork loin in half to make the cut more managable
  • Mix Salt, Pepper, & Garlic equally into a shaker for distribution (now is a good time to peek outside at your coals and make sure your deck isnt on fire)
  • Coat the pork loin generously with SPG matrix. I generally coat it to the point that i feel the amount of salt is in correct proportion and the others seasonings tend to follow suite.
  • Charcoal is likely glowing by this point. If not a relight is necessary. If coals are ready, dump them in your BBQ Pit, allowing it to preheat to 300°-325°
  • Place pork loin on BBQ Pit fat cap down. Cook for 30 minutes. This is the poinit where you can tell if youre coals are going to make it the entirety of the cook or if you will need to add some more when you flip the two halves.
  • After 30 minutes flip the 2 halves. If your coals are still going strong and temp hasnt tanked take it another 30-45 minutes and allow the pork loins to reach 145° minimum for safe pork. (155° degrees is a great temp for most. The meat is still moist and tender, with very little signs of the red myoglobin appearing.)
  • Let rest on the counter for 10-15 minutes
  • Slice to desired perfection, and engoy with a cool beer and good company!
Keyword Charcoal, Lean Meat, Mesquite, Pork, Pork Loin, White Meat